FM Mobile Phones – Music broadcasting anywhere!

Mobile phones started off from a stage where their main and only purpose solving was to be a means of communication but off late their usage has increased and so has their usability in various other sections. Their purpose of making calls and sending/receiving text messages has increased a whole lot deal as video calling, multimedia messaging, Email checking, electronic messaging have emerged to be the latest technology and newer measures to be used for communicating. Now mobile phones also bring about entertainment to your hands in the form of videos, TV shows, movies, music playback, sound recording, organiser features, office tools such as document viewer, calculator, etc along with Internet access to various information based websites, social networking domains and even mobile phone based sites called WAP sites. Another crucial purpose that has been solved by mobile phones thus making them “complete devices” is the imaging ability. They can record fantastic quality videos and capture superb quality images using the large camera size thus replacing many digital cameras in the process.

Sound and music however have been two most impressive and hugely improving concepts in mobile phones. With increased storage space more and more sound files can be stored in stupendous quality. These music files bearing our favourite artists, tracks and genres engross the music library. Besides the music of our preference we can also listen to music and knowledge based channels on the radio through FM radio signals. FM channels relay music and information from the satellite and also use latest technology of RDS where any information from the broadcaster is relayed on the users screen. This could be any text, track information or lyrics. These phones make use of the in-built FM receiver which catches the radio signal and plays the music in fantabulous quality. Some FM players also come with plenty of options where you can save channels and name them as well. Nokia also introduced a revolutionary service of visual radio where you can view videos of the content being played as well. This is done in accordance with the network provider and their content providing service. Currently this service is available in selected locations on the N-series mobile handsets.

FM transmitters is another option where a device is used to capture the music being played and is then imparted to other sound devices through a radio frequency. These transmitters can be plugged in to portable media players, CD players or satellite radio systems. Then the plugged in transmitter broadcasts it to other sound devices through a FM radio frequency. Now FM radio has become a common feature in plenty of Fm mobile phones and is used by many for their entertainment fix. Examples of FM Radio mobile phones are Sony Ericsson Satio, Nokia E72, HTC HD2 etc.


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